Physical and mental health - do what is good for you, quit what isn't and why BT was right when they said 'It's good to talk'.

Maintain a balanced life, sleep and eat well, exercise, ignore hustle culture and please always talk to people if you need to.

Physical and mental health - do what is good for you, quit what isn't and why BT was right when they said 'It's good to talk'.
Photo by Jon Flobrant / Unsplash

Below is a picture of me in Jan 2020 at a friend's wedding. I didn't like photos being taken so this is actually a photo of another photo taken in a photo booth with a Las Vegas background. We were still pretty oblivious to the carnage coming our way with Covid and the effects it would have on the health of so many people. The photo shows me at my heaviest weight, 19 stone 3lbs with a BIM of 36.4 according to the NHS calculator. Like I said; I hated having my picture taken.

Me: Jan 2020

As lockdown hit it one way it was a blessing; I couldn't leave an office and grab junk food for lunch as I didn't have an office to leave. I also started to get out and exercise more; primarily walking with my wife and daughter.

Gradually weight was coming off and in May 2021 I was down to 16 stone 6lbs, nearly three whole stone gone! And then I got Covid; the new Delta variant and only a few days before I was due my first jab. I know Covid affected people differently but I have to say it was a horrific experience. My doctors called when they found out as they were worried that the weight they had for me on their system of over 19 stone would have made me vulnerable. Thankfully I had lost enough weight not to need any external help but I lost another 17lbs in a week! However, I would not have recommended Covid as a weight loss aid to anyone.

Post Covid my weight started to creep up again and by February 2022 I was unable to shift any more pounds. I had also been struggling with my mental health for a while and my crutch was the biggest problem, booze. It got to a point where I had to end it, not just for me but for my family and I gave it up. Initially, like anyone doing dry January, it wasn't easy but after three months I realised I didn't miss it. The mood swings, bad sleep, lethargy and not wanting to get up in the mornings had gone. I also have to thank Nick and his men's mental health group Marshalling Mens Minds. Attending a group with non-judgemental blokes all going through different issues and talking them through was a massive help and I implore any men who are struggling to reach out and talk to someone. We are generally not very good at it but we need to learn to talk, be more open and look after our mental health better.

So here we are in April 2023 and my 4oth Birthday is 6 months away. Last week I finally reached another weight milestone as I went under the 14 stone mark for the first time since I was a teenager. My next goal is to cut down on refined sugar and start doing some more exercise centred around my core and weights so I can go into my next decade at the fittest and healthiest physically that I have ever been. I have also started to learn the initial basics of meditation to further help me mentally and along with books that I have read/will read I will document how these practices and knowledge help me. Currently, I don't have a particular weight goal to aspire to as I aim to put on some muscle but come November I aim to be leaner. For now, the photo below from last summer (it's my Becks Zero and the wifes lemonade) shows that I have lost a fair bit of weight with more to go!

Me: June 2022

It's never too late to adapt your lifestyle and lose weight. I didn't use any fad diets or put too much pressure on myself. Try and maintain a balanced life, get 8 hours sleep, eat well but have treats, exercise as much as feels right for you, ignore hustle culture and please always talk to people if you need to.