Last post in my 30's.

Last post in my 30's.
Me: 39.

So this week I turn 40 which I see as a fairly significant milestone. I entered my 30s in good shape both mentally and physically before having issues with both; however, I am entering my 40s with a new lease of life.

Over the next year, I plan to build on my original weight loss and get fitter whilst taking better care of my body overall by putting better products in me and also trying to take better care of my skin. It is fair to say that time has caught up with me in some areas; I now have to wear glasses for driving/long-distance viewing and once I start tennis again this week it will be interesting to see whether my play improves with them on. My hair has also started to recede so I may try some products out to thicken it out. My mental health is currently in a good place and long may it continue.

My clothing also needs a bit of an overhaul. Whilst I got rid of my 'big' clothes I had a lot of t-shirts and hoodies from my 20s that probably need to be moved on. I will be looking at more 'plain' tees and sweaters but trying and mix up some colour elsewhere with a focus on quality over quantity. Don't worry I don't plan on becoming a fashion influencer!

I will also be going back into education in December when I start a level 5 diploma in fire engineering. I didn't think I would be going back to school again but careers evolve and this will set me up well in the new role I started in September. It will be split into four modules and as long as I pass each one first time I will be finished next summer.

My pension and savings goals have generally gone well and I will include further updates towards the end of the year. The emergency fund needs replenishing following some unexpected issues that cropped up but that's what the fund is for. I have settled on the index funds that I have been investing in and my new job includes pension payments into my SIPP.

Over the next year I will continue to add to the blog and hopefully I can find the time to get the YouTube channel going properly but if I don't then it won't be a big deal. Family is more important and I would like to spend more time making memories with them.

So here's to 40 and see where the next decade goes!