Every day is a school day - invest in yourself.

There are many ways you can invest in yourself and unlike my previous post on get-rich-quick scams, they do not necessarily need any monetary investment.

Every day is a school day - invest in yourself.
Photo by Deleece Cook / Unsplash

There are many ways you can invest in yourself and unlike my previous post on get-rich-quick scams, they do not necessarily need any monetary investment. Assuming you already have access to the internet and a device that is.

YouTube has a heap of videos that can teach you a great many things. Sometimes you may have to separate the wheat from the chaff but there is a lot of engaging brilliant content. Some may be in the form of courses, others in playlists or some that are one-offs. Last year I learnt various topics from financial investing to changing the keyboard membrane in a 1982 Sinclair ZX Spectrum to making, filming and editing videos. It also doesn't have to be professional; one of the wonders of YouTube is watching people working out for themselves the same things you want to work out. Of course, there are also courses you can pay for but make sure they are worth your while. As per the get-rich-quick scams, if it offers something that is too good to be true, chances are it is.

Next up are books. Whether you are a fan of paper or Kindle; visual or audio there are millions of books out there waiting to be consumed for knowledge. You don't have to buy them either; local libraries do still exist and if your is like our local library in Gloucestershire it is free to join. You can pick literally any subject to learn about so just start with whatever takes your fancy. Although the books I have listed on the blog are centred around self-help and finance you could pick science, art, or baking; the world of books is literally your oyster!

Your job may also be able to help out with training and it's always worth seeing if you can upskill. Whether it is learning from spending time with colleagues in another department; taking advantage of any free internal courses on offer or asking about qualifications if you don't ask you won't know. Having started on a new career pathway last year I am hoping to go back to college for a diploma in fire engineering through my employer who has been supportive; in turn, not only should it benefit me but also help my team's goals.

That's three different options that can help you invest in yourself and may not require you to shell out a fortune doing so. If you get the opportunity to learn a new trade or skill then it is always worth looking into. Even if it does not help you out professionally it could lead to new hobbies, make new friends and improve your mental health and well-being.